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As a mom of three boys, I LOVE it when they genuinely
appreciate me. When they say, “Wow Mom, thank you so much for making cupcakes
for my class.” Or perhaps, “I really appreciate the way you washed my sheets
mom.” Or maybe, “Mom, I know that it took a lot of time and energy for you to
plan my birthday party, and I just want to let you know that I noticed it, and
I think you’re an amazing mom.”
Wouldn’t it be awesome if they talked like that all the
Unfortunately, I am more likely to hear the following sentences
from my boys: “But why can’t you buy me those new Nikes?” and “Everyone else’s
mom showed up at my school party today.” Or “Mom, you haven’t washed my
favorite jeans yet?!?!”
It seems that being thankful is not something that comes
naturally. I’m learning that it is something that must be intentionally taught
and, perhaps if modeled correctly, “caught.” I know that it is much more
natural for me to complain about the traffic, about my job, about my dirty
house, about my weight, than it is to be thankful for anything.
So, how can we teach our kids to be thankful? How can we
model a thankful attitude for them to catch? Here are 10 ways we can help our
kiddos develop a thankful heart.
1.) Pray for them. They’ll be such
happier people if they learn to be thankful and content. Pray that God would
help them to develop a thankful attitude that will last their whole life.
2.) Discuss Bible stories. The
complaining Israelites (Numbers 11), the 10 lepers (Luke 17:11-19), Paul in
prison (Philippians 1 and 4)
3.) Expose them to people who have less than
they have. Take them to minister to the homeless or at shelters or
nursing homes. If they’re anything like my kids, they may know, in theory, that
some people don’t have homes, but until they actually meet someone who is
homeless, they don’t truly grasp that there are people who really live under
bridges and on benches. As a family, pray for these people on a consistent
4.) Make them work . . . hard. Just
like you’ve always heard, you don’t appreciate something until you work for it!
Teach your kids to scrub the toilet and maybe they’ll be more likely to aim
better! (Sorry, I’m a mom of boys. I couldn’t resist.)
5.) Enrich their lives with relationships
with people who are different. I can’t let my kids think that everyone
else in the world lives in a house just like ours and in a town just like ours
with skin the same color as ours. What kind of self-absorbed adults would they
grow up to be if they thought everyone was just like them?
6.) Let them hear you thanking God. In
the car, as you’re waking them up in the morning, as you’re doing dishes, sing
songs of thanksgiving. Share with the cashier at the grocery store all about
God’s goodness!
7.) Let them hear you being appreciative of
others. “I’m so thankful that my boss lets us wear jeans on Fridays.”
And, “Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a hard working husband.”
8.) Give history lessons. Tell you
kids how long it took you to save money for your first house. Tell them how you
had to work your way through college. Tell them how their grandma had to share
a bedroom with her three sisters until she married grandpa and moved out of her
parents’ home. Tell them those stories over and over so they can tell them
9.) Work together on projects. Not
only will this encourage kids to be thankful, but it will also create memories
of accomplishing something together as a family, and provide a story they can
then relate to their children one day.
them pay for things with their own money. There’s no better way to
learn to appreciate the value of a dollar. “Want a new pair of those really
expensive jeans? Fine, you can use your birthday money to buy those.”
The biggest blessing we can ever thank our Lord for is the
gift of salvation that was purchased by His Son. It is an eternal blessing. I’ve
been quoting this scripture to myself a lot lately:
James 1:17 – Every
good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of heavenly
lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
“Thank you Father God for all of your blessings, especially
the blessing of salvation and the promise of eternity with You. May we always
have thankful hearts, acknowledging that every good gift comes from YOU!”
Wonderful post, Martha! I'm tweeting and g+ing.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jess! You are so encouraging! I appreciate you!